Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blog Six

Stefan Covert wrote a blog about his distaste for John McCain and his economic plans. In some aspects I agree with Stefan, and in some aspects I don't. I think Stefan is probably a smart fellow, but I don't think he went into enough detail stating his opinion on the matter, perhaps he was pressed for time. He argued that John McCain has poor economic plans and doesn't know much about the economy in general, and it seems that he thinks that people should vote Democratically instead. I agree with him that John McCain doesn't know much about the economy, but I don't think that Clinton or Obama would really do a much better job. As far as the evidence he provided, the author referred to things that the candidates have said, which I think was sufficient evidence for his argument, though he could have put in some direct quotes. His conclusion may have been a bit overstated and I hope he wasn't accurate, but it stated his position. If a person were to have stumbled upon Sefan's post, he may have been influenced to not vote for McCain, because it was written in a “straight up” style that could effectively influence people.

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