Friday, May 9, 2008

Blog Eight

Tasha recently wrote a blog about warrantless wiretapping.She doesn't think that the “government should have the right to invade our privacy without a court order.” An underlying assumption that she makes is that the government is trying to do some good with this program and with programs involving wide-spread surveillance cameras in public. She accepts the surveillance cameras, but I think that an acceptance of surveillance cameras allows for acceptance of surveillance wires. She sort of alludes to herself later on in the blog by stating “If the government believes warrantless wiretapping is okay, there's no telling what they are going to do next and before you know it we won't have any privacy whatsoever.” She went on to conclude that she “believes something needs to be done before [it] gets way out of hand.” I think that something needs to be done as well, reduce government activity! The political implications of her blog could be that it might reveal to someone some of the government's illegal activities.

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