Saturday, April 26, 2008

Blog Five

I could not think of anything that I think the government should do. I thought about it and thought about it, then I realized that I do not think that they should do very much in general. Something I think the United States government should do is decrease its actions. A good place to start would be to bring US troops home from Iraq.

The war in Iraq was based on lies, one of which was that the attacks on September 11 were committed by an independent terrorist group called Al Queda. There are whole websites, organizations, and movies dedicated to showing people that what the government told the public about the attacks was not what really happened. Since there is so much information on that readily available, I will not go into much detail about that here. A good site with more information on that is Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Built on the lie of the events of 9/11, President Bush then said that “Al Queda” was in Iraq. Bush also said that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction” (WMDs). He made those claims even though there was no evidence of either.

Year after year there has been needless violence and destruction. About 90,000 Iraqi civilians have died due to the war and several thousand American soldiers have died too. Iraq has become war torn and their economy has been highly damaged and restricted. The technological advancements they had made in areas such as medicine have been displaced. Many of the structures and places resembling their cultural heritage have been reduced to ruins. Numerous polls show that about 80% of Iraqi citizens want the US out of Iraq. Very few Iraqi people think that US forces are there to help the Iraqi people or to set up a true democracy.

A common rejection to pulling US troops out of Iraq is that America can't just abandon the mess it started. Taking the troops out does not equate to abandoning the mess that was made because Washington can still do diplomatic work and space can be made for actually beneficial organizations to go in there and help. The billions of dollars spent on the military effort in Iraq could be spent on reconstruction, and money could also be given to the Iraqi people.

The United States government has done far more harm than good in Iraq and owes the Iraqi people a huge debt. I think the US government needs to reduce it's actions in general, and bringing the troops home could be a good step. Much mending would need to take place, but it took the federal government over 200 years to get the high point of activity it's now at, and it could take a long time to significantly reduce it.